Tag Archives: Feast

Feast of the 318 Holy Fathers, Shrewsbury

This weekend, we celebrate our patronal feast—the feast of the 318 Godbearing Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. On Saturday we will have festal vespers at 6pm. We will celebrate Matins and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday at

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Synaxarion for Palm Sunday

On this day, the Sunday of Palms, we celebrate the radiant and glorious Feast of the Entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Verses Sitting on a foal, He Who stretched out the Heavens By a word seeketh to

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Sunday of the Holy Cross

The solemn feast of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross was celebrated on 19 March 2023. Following the service the Philoptochos held a sale of savoury and sweet produce to raise money for philanthropic causes. Thank you to everyone who prepared

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