Click here for the Calendar of services for Holy Week and Pascha. Lent is now over and we now enter the two festive days of the feasts of the rising of Lazarus from the dead and Palm Sunday. These days
Λόγω των υφιστάμενων περιοριστικών μέτρων εξαιτίας της πανδημίας του κορονοϊού και για να διευκολυνθεί η συμμετοχή των πιστών στις ακολουθίες της Αγίας Μεγάλης Εβδομάδας και του Πάσχα, σας παρακαλούμε όπως για κάθε συμμετοχή σας στην εκκλησία έχετε κάνει κρατήση θέσεως
В связи с ограничительными мерами, действующими во время коронавирусной пандемии, а также для облегчения участия верующих в богослужениях Страстной седмицы и Пасхи, просим предварительно резервировать посещение церкви посредством бронирования места через Eventbrite. Вместимость церкви ограничена, поэтому просим бронировать место заранее
Din cauza restricțiilor impuse ca urmare a pandemiei de Coronavirus și pentru a facilita participarea credincioșilor la slujbele din perioada Săptămânii Mari și a zilelor de Paști, vă rugăm ca toți cei care veți dori să participați la aceste slujbe
Schedule of Services The schedule of services for this week is available on our calendar. The readings and sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Lent can be found on the Archdiocese website here. The church is open for public worship under
Apostles and Equal to the Apostles Andrew the Apostle († 60) called first by Christ. Commemorated 30 November. Constantine the Great († 337), proclaimed Emperor in York. He also legalised Christianity in the Roman Empire in the Edict of Milan. He called
Due to the restrictive measures in place because of the coronavirus pandemic and to facilitate the participation of the faithful in the services of Holy Week and Pascha we ask please that all church attendance is pre-booked through reserving a
Schedule of Services The schedule of services for this week is available on our calendar. This week, being the Fifth Week of Great Lent we have Great Compline with the full canon of Saint Andrew of Crete with the reading of
Photographs from Lenten Vespers in Birmingham where there was a large delegation of clergy from the Midlands and members of local communities to share the joy of Lent and to be crowned with the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas
On the falling asleep of His Royal Highness Prince Philip
It is with a heavy heart that we learned of the falling asleep of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, who passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas and the entire Greek