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Orthodox Crossing: Turned On, Tuned In, Without a Doubt

Back when I was doing a degree, one of my tutors would give me a few of the scholastic media study journals that did the rounds twenty years ago. I’d flick through them and try to have a good question

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Winefrid, virgin martyr and abbess of Gwytherin

Read about the life of Saint Winefrid and her importance for the town of Shrewsbury Continue reading

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Eata, bishop of Hexham

26 October Saint Eata was a native of Northumbria and was probably born in the reign of King Oswald.  He was one of the original twelve pupils of St Aidan at Lindisfarne. Around the year 640 Saint Aidan founded a

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Feast of Great Martyr Demetrios

On 26 October we celebrate the feast of the Holy Glorious and Great Martyr Demetrios the Myrrh Streamer. Life of the Saint Saint Demetrios suffered in Thessalonica during the reign of Galerius Maximian (c. 306). He belonged to one of

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Feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke

October 18 Life of the Saint Saint Luke came from the city of Antioch, probably of a pagan family. From his youth he applied himself to seek after wisdom and to study the arts and sciences. He travelled all over

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Annual Pilgrimage of Saint Winifred 2023

On the first Saturday of October, many pilgrims from Shrewsbury and other local communities attended the pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Saint Winifred in Holywell, Wales. Following Matins and Divine Liturgy, the pilgrims processed solemnly from the well chapel

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The Repose of St. John the Theologian According to His Disciple Prochorus

The Translation of St. John the Theologian (Feast Day – September 26th) VersesStanding beside the beloved Word of the Father,Is he who was beloved more than all of the disciples.On the twenty sixth the child of thunder departed unto God.

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Orthodox Crossing: Inner Doors, Outer Rooms

A sense of place. Everywhere has it, but we are always looking for it and hope to sense it the moment we come upon it. I did when I first started working as a stagehand for Aldeburgh Music at Snape

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Synaxarion for the Conception of the Honorable Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

On the twenty-third of September we celebrate the Conception of the Honorable Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John VersesThe man received a prophetic oracle from the Archangel,You will beget a Prophet, and even greater than the prophets.On the twenty-third the Forerunner

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The Translation of the Relics of St Winifred of Trefonen

The relics of St Winefride were finally translated to Shrewsbury Abbey on 19th September 1138.If you’d like to read more about the life of this important local saint, please follow this link…

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