New News Test


Many Years! Aneys Alexandra Patrutoiu baptised 12 May Ana Maya Bosinceanu baptised 12 May Luke Thomas baptised 6 June Matei Stancu baptised 7 July Daria Maria Stoica baptised 18 August Congratulations! Ciprian & Lavinia Galateanu married 4 May Christopher &

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Notice of election

The election of eight parishioners to the Community Board will take place in the church on Sunday October 20th 2019 from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.  There can be no proxy votes. Please submit your nominations to the Father Stephen. 

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Relics of St Peter

On June 29 2019, the feast of Ss Peter and Paul, Pope Francis gave to the delegation representing the Œcumenical Patriarch, a reliquary containing nine bone fragments of St Peter the Apostle. While the majority of Peter’s relics are under the high

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Orthodoxy in South Sudan?

A Brief Encounter…with Orthodox Christianity…in South Sudan. Perhaps. My Air Dubai flight took a last turn and steadied for its final descent towards the runway of Juba International Airport, the main landing point for South Sudan, still the world’s newest

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Appeal for new church building

As you know, our Community of the Holy Fathers has committed itself to building a modern version of the ruined 7th century church of the Koimesis (Dormition) in Iznik, ancient Nicea, which had remained in use as a Christian Church

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President’s report on building a new church 2014

‘Except the Lord build the house, those who build it labour in vain.’ (Psalm 126, v.1)  At Matins this morning I heard that verse from Psalm 126, and it resonated within me throughout the service. Today I’m introducing the Board

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