Category Archives: Feasts, Saints & History


Archbishop Nikitas’s Homily for Pascha 2023

Beloved in the Lord, On the joyous occasion of this Feast of Feasts, allow me to share with you the final stanza from one of the kontakia on the Resurrection of our Lord, written in the sixth century by the

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Feast of Palms

A song of Romanos the Melodist for the Feast of Palms

Introductory Note The first Proemium and first Strophe are still used in the Triodion for Palm Sunday as Kontakion and Ikos. The second Proemium is used as the Ypakoe for the feast. It is written in the Plagal of the 2nd [6th]

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Πρόγραμμα Ιερών Ακολουθιών Μεγάλης Εβδομάδας και Πάσχα

Programme for Holy and Great Week

Christ is risen! To all those attending the Midnight service for Holy and Great Pascha (15/16 April) there is no parking on the road leading to the church (Dove Close).  There is parking on Sutton Road and other kerbside parking

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Icon showing raising of Lazarus

Synaxarion for the Saturday of Lazarus

By Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos On this day, the Saturday before Palm Sunday, we celebrate the Raising of Lazarus, the holy and righteous friend of Christ, who lay for four days in the tomb. Verses Thou lamentest, O Jesus: this belongeth

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The Akathistos Hymn 2023

On the evening of the 31 March the service of Compline with the Akathistos Hymn and canon of the Akathist was celebrated with great solemnity in at the church of the 318 Holy Fathers in Shrewsbury. The hymns were chanted

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Sunday of the Holy Cross

The solemn feast of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross was celebrated on 19 March 2023. Following the service the Philoptochos held a sale of savoury and sweet produce to raise money for philanthropic causes. Thank you to everyone who prepared

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Feast of the 318 Godbearing Fathers

On 5 June 2022 the Church of the 318 Godbearing Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, Shrewsbury celebrated its patronal feast with great solemnity. The Feastday was attended by members of the community along with many visitors from

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Divine Services for Great Week & Pascha

Slujbele din Săptămâna Mare și Sfintele Paști

Богослужения на Великую седмицу и Пасху

Богослуж ння на Велику седмицю та Великдень

Разписание на богослуженията за Страстната седмица и Възкресение Христово

Archbishop Nikitas

Encyclical for the Beginning of the Holy & Great Lent 2022

In just a few days, we will begin the Lenten journey to Pascha. The Church once again, invites us to walk the sacred path of liturgical and personal preparation, as She has done for centuries. She sounds the trumpet of

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Yugoslavian refugees builds community in Telford

A history of the Serbian Orthodox Community of St Nicholas, Donnington, Telford Had it not been for the Second World War, Serbs would not have found their way to Shropshire and settled in the Donnington area of Telford. After the

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A Lifetime in Pilgrimage: Archimandrite Lazaru

As far as English speaking Orthodoxy is concerned there are three individuals who have been at the “tip of the spear” for Orthodox mission. They were all monks, all became Archimandrites and all had an influence way beyond what would

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Christianity in Qatar

In November Presvytera Catherine and I visited Qatar where our daughter and her family are living. Qatar is a small Arabian country – a peninsular that sticks out north into the Persian Gulf. It is about the size of Wales

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Christmas Message of Archbishop Nikitas

Christmas Message of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain As I sit and write a few words to you, beloved people of God, I speak to you as a father would speak to children at the waning

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Madagascar Orthodox Church mission

I have been having the great good fortune to have a work assignment in Madagascar, which is the world’s fourth largest island, situated off the south-eastern coast of Africa and currently one of the poorest countries in that continent. The

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The real story of Athens – Bruce Clark’s new book

There is (even) more to Greek history than Plato or Pericles, and there is more to the story of the Parthenon than marble sculptures or perfect architectural proportions. Bruce Clark’s 500 page book – Athens, City of Wisdom – tells

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