Photo gallery of Holy Week and Pascha

Christ is risen! Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! Hristos a înviat! Христос воскресе! Christus ist auferstanden! Христос васкрсе! ¡Cristo resucitó! Христос воскрес! Christus ist auferstanden! Kristus er oppstanden! Christus resurrexit! Le Christ est ressuscité! Cristo è risorto! Atgyfododd Crist! !‎  المسيح قام! حقا قام ክርስቶስ ተነሳ ከሙታን Kristos Tenestwal! ქრისტე აღსდგა! 基督復活了!

Thanks to all of you who took and shared some beautiful photographs, especially Dunston.

Lazarus Saturday

Palm Sunday

Services of the Bridegroom

Mystery of Holy Unction

Matins of the Twelve Gospels

Vespers of the Un-nailing

Lamentation Service

Holy Saturday Morning

Paschal Vigil