Church Projects

Wall Paintings

In 2012 a wall painting of Christ in Glory was completed on the east wall of the church.  in 2020 seventeen roundels of the busts of saints were completed on the top of the north and south walls.     

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Church Extension

The community plans to extend the church to make more room. We plan to extend the church to the west. This will provide some additional worship space and provide accessible toilet facilities and storage space. 

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New Land Project

The community urgently needs to provide meeting space, amenity space and parking. In a first step towards this we have recently purchased the land to the south of the church.  Please support this project.

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Hymnography for Local Saints

Very few texts have been written for services to saints of the British Isles.  We are working on writing full akolouthia (hymns for all services) for the saints local to our church. 

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Our Local Saints

Latest News

The visit of His Grace Bishop Maximos of Melitene and fundraising BBQ
Greek Summer BBQ on 9 July
Archdiocese 2023 Paschal Appeal
Positive Pre-application response to Church Extension Project
Saint Nicholas Festival • 4 December 2022

Today's Saints and Readings

Today’s Saints

Saints Feasts and Readings for 10/18/2024

Luke the Evangelist; Marinos the Martyr

Today’s Readings

Epistle Reading

St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians 4:5-11, 14-18

Gospel Reading

Luke 10:16-21

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