Orthodox Crossing: A Christian Wisp…

On Sunday the 23rd of April Presvytera Catherine retired from thirty-seven years of devotion to our church and the wide reach of its parish. To be precise, that is only five years less than I have been alive, so when Fr Stephen announced the moment had come last week, in tones of one not entirely believing it himself, I was stuck for thought and short of understanding. Now, I like that sort of feeling, but it should in no way preclude my thanks and joy to Catherine. I have only known her for a little time, but I have seen enough to see something.

When my wife and I first appeared through the church door, Presvytera Catherine found us and led us in the manner of a Christian Wisp, winding us through people, their ways, and the first Divine Liturgy that we had participated in, before un-spooling away and leaving us wondering if she had ever been there…?

It turns out that she has always been there, but she winds and moves and sets things just so, so while she might be there, in the next moment she is over there…

She will not forget you though, as we will not her service. Blessings, Catherine!

J W Bowe

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