Annual General Meeting
On 14 November after the Liturgy there will be an Annual General Meeting. There will be a report on the church development project and the landscaping of the Orchard with an opportunity to ask questions.
7:00 pm Compline with 2nd Stanza of the Akathist Hymn
Hieromartyr Aristobulus of the Seventy, bishop of Britain
6:00 pm Great Vespers
12:00 am Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas & Synaxis of the Fathers of the Kyiv Caves
9:30 am Matins
10:30 am Divine Liturgy
12:00 pm Children’s Catechesis | Varangian Guard Youth Club
12:30 pm Lent Talk
12:00 am Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas & Synaxis of the Fathers of the Kyiv Caves
Alchmund of Derby
7:00 pm Presanctified Liturgy
Cuthbert the Wonderworker, Bishop of Lindisfarne
10:30 am Vespers & Scripture Study
7:00 pm Compline with 3rd Stanza of the Akathist Hymn
6:00 pm Great Vespers
12:00 am Sunday of the Holy Cross
9:30 am Matins
10:30 am Divine Liturgy
12:30 pm Lent Talk
12:00 am Sunday of the Holy Cross
Forefeast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos
Annunciation of the Theotokos
9:30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Annunciation
7:00 pm Scripture Study via Teams
Synaxis in honour of the Archangel Gabriel
7:00 pm Presanctified Liturgy
1:30 pm Working party at St Julian’s
7:00 pm Compline with 4th Stanza of the Akathist Hymn
6:00 pm Great Vespers
12:00 am Sunday of St. John Climacus
9:30 am Matins
10:30 am Divine Liturgy
12:30 pm Lent Talks
Hypatius of Gangra
12:00 am Sunday of St. John Climacus
10:30 am Working Party at Church of the 318 Holy Fathers
7:00 pm Compline with Canon of St Andrew of Crete
10:30 am Presanctified Liturgy
7:00 pm Compline with Akathist Hymn
5th Saturday of Lent: The Akathist Hymn
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
6:00 pm Great Vespers
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
9:30 am Matins
10:30 am Divine Liturgy
12:30 pm Lent Talk
SS. Gwrnerth and Llewellyn
10:00 am Working party at St Julian’s
7:00 pm Scripture Study via Teams
7:00 pm Presanctified Liturgy
10:30 am Vespers & Scripture Study
7:00 pm Presanctified Liturgy
Thyateira Midlands Ecclesiastical Seminary
Lazarus Saturday
9:00 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
6:00 pm Great Vespers
Palm Sunday
9:30 am Matins
10:30 am Divine Liturgy
7:00 pm Bridegroom Service (Matins of Holy Monday)
On 14 November after the Liturgy there will be an Annual General Meeting. There will be a report on the church development project and the landscaping of the Orchard with an opportunity to ask questions.
Ioannis’ funeral will be at St Luke’s Greek Orthodox Church, 27 Dundonald Rd, Glasgow G12 9LL at 11am Wednesday 24 November followed by the burial at Auchinleck Cemetery, Main St, Auchinleck, Cumnock KA18 2AA (about 1 hour by car from the Church).
Please contact Father Panteleimon via email if you would like to attend so that we can plan travel and lift shares.