On 11 June members of our youth club, the Varangian Guard, joined other Shropshire youth clubs at a youth fun day at Ironbridge.
The fun day was organised by the Shropshire Youth Association (SYA) and attended by around 100 children from across the county.
The children did archery, football, nerf war, climbing, sumo suit football, glitter tattooing, donut making.
The day ended with Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire presenting an SYA award to Presvytera Catherine Maxfield for her long term commitment and dedication to the Greek Orthodox Youth club.
Angelos Rokamos, Andrei Nistor, Eliza Battersby, Anastasia Lazarides, Laurence and Stephen Maxfield attended. Presvytera Catherine, Luke Thomas, Ana Lazarides and Mihaela Nistor accompanied the youth.