2023 Giving appeal

Please help the Church of the 318 Holy Fathers to expand its ministries through your gifts of time, talent or money.

Thanks to the considerable efforts, commitment and dedication of our members, 2022 was an excellent year for our church. The youth club grew substantially with both teachers and children joining. We received more people into the Orthodox Church than in any other year. We gained a new priest. We started serving the Divine Liturgy in Oswestry once a month. Church attendance was at an all-time high.

The mission of our community is the same as the mission of the whole Church. It is “to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”. Practically speaking, among many other things, this means that we must have more Divine Services, we must expand our children’s ministries, our adult education and catechism ministries, and our philanthropic ministries.

Please help our community fulfil the mission of the Church by offering your gifts of time, money and talent.

The Church of the 318 Holy Fathers needs a reliable, consistent income to plan for future growth. When you give a gift of money, the Community Board encourages its members to give by gift-aided regular monthly standing order or direct debit. This is because regular monthly giving is more consistent and is made even if, for whatever reason, you are unable to attend church.

You can easily set up a regular standing order by using the form below. Remember to adjust the frequency of the giving to your preference.

Alternatively, use your mobile banking app and set up a regular payment using the details below:

Account name: Community of the Holy Fathers
Account Number: 00438625
Sort Code: 30-97-62
Reference: your first name and surname.

Thank you!

Our Local Saints
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