Category Archives: Catechesis

Saturday of Souls: In the Hope of the Resurrection of Christ

On 22 June, at 10am, there will be a Divine Liturgy and Memorial service for Ψυχοσάββατο – Moșii de vară – Задушница – Saturday of Souls. In the Orthodox Church, there is an important and long-standing tradition of praying for

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That this Pascha is a type of the future and eternal Pascha

That this Pascha is a type of the future and eternal Pascha;and about endurance and courage. St Theodore the Studite: Catchesis 66 Brethren and fathers, Lent is already galloping past and the soul rejoices at the imminence of Pascha, because

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Why go to church?

The simple answer to this question is “To meet God and share in His Life”. But how does this happen? Let us start by asking some fundamental questions. What is the Church here for? What is the distinctive and unique

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Catechism for the Great Fast

Starting 31 March, there will be short catechism sessions after the Divine Liturgy during the period of the Great Fast. The theme of the catechism is living the Orthodox Christian life. Everyone is welcome to attend. After a ten-minute introduction,

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Beneath Thy Compassion: Exploring the Marian Devotion of the Early Church

by Theo Andreou Over one thousand years stands between these two images of the Mother of God tenderly embracing her Son. They testify to the truth of Mary’s own words in Luke 1:48: ‘For behold, from now on all generations will

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Catacomb of Peter

Counting sheep – a catechism in the catacombs

I want to write about tombs, sheep and sea monsters… And yes, I know it sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. But in actuality, these things are related quite profoundly to each other. I want to draw your

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Holy Scripture in the Orthodox Church – the Septuagint

Introduction The Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible are part of God’s revelation to mankind.  The Orthodox Church claims that the author of the Old Testament is truly God Himself, but it recognises that it is equally the

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Dialogue of Theotokos and Magi – the Kontakion of Romanos

Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ From St. Romanos the Melodist, On the Life of Christ: Kontakia (Archimandrite Ephrem Lash, tr.: Harper, San Francisco, 1995), pp. 1-12. Introduction A “kontakion” is a poetic form frequently encountered in Byzantine hymnography. It

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That we should conduct ourselves in newness of life

just as we promised through the holy Schema.[1] Theodore the Studite: Catcehesis 40 Brethren and Fathers, just as the hungry long to eat and the thirsty to drink, so we should be enthusiastic to listen to the word of God.

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What Do We Really Believe?

Father Stephen’s weekly Zoom meetings help us to really think about what we believe. They are challenging and stimulating. Often, we literally ‘Zoom in’ on knotty problems in our faith. In this day and age, it is essential that every Orthodox Christian can explain, or in some other way, demonstrate the truth of what we believe. The world today is a market place of beliefs and faiths, whether that faith is in a Muslim or Christian God, or in science. Continue reading

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Religious Education Lectures

The archdiocese has organised a series of religious education lectures via Zoom throughout the summer on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm.  The subject of the current lecture series is “Signs and Wonders according to the Gospel of John”.   They are led

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Scripture Study via Zoom

As meetings are currently prohibited we have started having scripture study by video conferencing.  Each Wednesday at 7pm we meet for study of scripture.  We are due to start looking at Apostles and the Church which is the subject of

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