Weekly Bulletin | 11 July to 18 July

For services for the coming week please follow the link to our Calendar page.

Thank you!

Thank you to all those who made such an enormous effort to help for the visit of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas! Thank you to those gave offerings, to those who cared for the beauty of the church, for those who chanted, and for those who laboured in many other ways and to all those who came to share in the joy of the services.

More details about the Archbishop’s visit along with a gallery of photographs are in the blog post below.

The Archbishop wrote a very kind letter to the Community following his visit in which he thanked the community for the wonderful weekend of fellowship, prayer, and hospitality. He wrote: “I was greatly impressed by the unity, piety and dedication of the people of God in your Community, and pray that the lord will continue to abundantly bless your efforts for the Glory of His Holy Name.”

Catechism and Scripture Study

A weekly catechesim class for inquirers is currently taking place each Tuesday in the Church at 7.00pm. If you are interested in joining please email Fr Stephen or Dcn Panteleimon at info@shrewsburyorthodox.com.

Scripture Study continues to take place via Zoom each Wednesday. The link for joining is as follows:


Meeting ID: 816 2985 4019

Passcode: 926265

Latest Blog Posts

  • CTIS Election Hustings – Monday 24 June
    Churches Together in Shrewsbury will host an election hustings this year on Monday, June 24, from 7pm to 8.30pm. The event will feature local prospective parliamentary candidates in an evening of lively debate and conversation at Holy Trinity Church, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury. The first half of the evening will feature two or three short interviews
  • Feast of the 318 Holy Fathers, Shrewsbury
    This weekend, we celebrate our patronal feast—the feast of the 318 Godbearing Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. On Saturday we will have festal vespers at 6pm. We will celebrate Matins and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday at 9.30am. After the solemn divine services, all are invited to stay to join us for
  • Ordination of Stephen Edwards to the Holy Diaconate
    On Saturday, 20 April 2024, Mr Stephen Edwards was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at the Church of the 318 Holy Fathers. His Grace Bishop Maximos of Melitene celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Protopresbyter Stephen Maxfield, Oeconomos Timothy Pearce and Presbyter Panteleimon Maxfield concelebrated. Many faithful from the Church of the Three Hierarchs and Saint Cybi

Give to Holy Fathers of Nicaea Church today

We are very grateful for the kindness of the people around the world who give to the Church of the Holy Fathers of Nicaea to keep us running on a daily basis. However, to keep us going we still rely on regular donations and that‘s where you can help out!


Fr Dcn Panteleimon

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